Top 10 Stun Guns

Stun guns have been around for over 40 years and are the second most popular non-lethal self defense device after pepper spray. The origin of the stun gun, the Taser, was developed by Jack Cover, a NASA researcher. He named it after his childhood hero Tom Swift (“Thomas A. Swift’s electric rifle”). The original Taser […]
Don’t Buy A Stun Gun Before You Read This!

How stun guns work is not like you see in the movies. If you hit someone with a stun gun, they’re not going to go unconscious and drop to the floor. The purpose of the stun gun is to give you time to remove yourself from a dangerous situation. It’s not going to knock someone […]
8 Self Defense Tips For Men

When we think about self defense, we usually think about keeping women safe. But, men are more likely to be involved in situations where self defense is required. Normal levels of testosterone in men increase activity in brain areas involved in threat processing and aggressive behavior. There is evidence that testosterone levels are higher in […]
Should You Put Your Keys Between Your Fingers for Self-Defense…NO!

When thinking about self defense, many of us consider how we would use items we have on our person. One of the most common item to use is our keys. In fact, using keys is taught by many self defense “experts” as a good self defense technique. Those dangerous looking jagged keys peeking out from […]
Keeping Your College Kids Safe (especially your daughters)!

[button text=”Click Here for college rape report” color=”alert” style=”shade” size=”larger” radius=”25″ depth=”4″ expand=”0″ icon=”icon-angle-right” icon_pos=”left” link=”” target=”_blank”] After studying with her friend, a young freshman student begins walking back to her dorm. It was dark outside around 10:00 p.m. and not many people were around. As she turned down one sidewalk she saw a familiar […]
Pepper Spray Secret: What Really Makes A Pepper Spray Effective?

Before buying a pepper spray, you need to understand what makes it effective. All sprays are not the same! The majority of manufacturers will use Scoville Heat Units (SHU) as the indicator of the strength and efficacy of their spray products. However, if a manufacturer is buying raw pepper, they can choose any SHU level […]
Three Parking Lot Safety Tips Every Woman Should Practice!

Tip #1 is to be smarter about where you park your car. I want you to start parking by lights or in the view of security cameras. Too often we look for the closest spot, especially at night, and don’t pay attention to where its located. When you park under a light your car will […]
The ONE THING You Should Teach Your Child To Be Safe From Predators

For those with young children, the idea of them being taken by a predator is always in the back of your mind. There is a ton of advice out there that you can follow. Some of it practical, but some not. I want to give you one thing to teach your child. One thing they […]